Self-Publishing eBook, print Book, and Book Cover Design Templates

Ready-to-go Self-Publishing Design Book and eBook Templates

Not only have we made the process of formatting your ebook easier, we’ve included an entire package to help you create your eBook, print Book, and Book Cover – all pre-designed and ready-to-go.

Each Design Package includes:

  • Pre-styled and formatted Word Template (.dot) (or Open Office file)
  • Pre-styled and formatted 5″ x 8″ (standard paperback) InDesign CS4 file
  • Pre-styled and formatted EPUB file with CSS and Embedded Fonts* (if applicable)
  • Pre-designed eBook Cover Template
  • Pre-designed Book Cover Template (based on a 5″ x 8″, 200 page book)
  • Step-by-Step Tutorial

*Included fonts are chosen from, and include documentation on usage in eBooks.


The official launch of our Self-Publishing Design Templates is JULY 1, 2013
but we’d like to give you a free taste of what is to come:
With purchase of of $4.99 or more:

Apply CODE: DTFREE on Checkout and get
our Basic Fiction Word Template FREE

Discount valid June 10th –  June 12th, 2013.

The Template Package

Most fiction manuscripts only require a few style elements: Chapter (Heading 1), Body (Normal), and Section breaks (Spacer) The problem, however, is writers trying to “design” their book in Word.

Break the “making a PDF” mentality and use Word as it was created – a word processing program. Period.

Use programs the way they were meant to be used.

The Word Template

Microsoft Word is a word processing program, and it should be used as such. While it does have some great features for designing your page, it is NOT a page layout program. And for the sake of creating an Ebook, the less you do the better.

In addition, the cleaner you set your styles the better. If you set your styles and formatting correctly in Word, then importing into InDesign for print or Sigil for Epub is nearly flawless.

With our templates, we have done the work for you. Setting up templates (2004 compatible) for a variety of looks and layouts from typical indented paragraphs (fiction) to block paragraphs (non-fiction).

The Epub Template

Each Word template has a compatible Epub template – created using the same layout and styles. We have pre-set up the CSS (style sheet) and even embedded the font for you. All you need to do is import converted Word to HTML file and you are ready to go.

The InDesign Template

Included in the package is a template created for InDesign programs CS4+. It has the stylesheet preset up according to the original Word styles. In addition, we’ve included a “fake” copyright page (fiction) and a preset and styled table of contents. (Template created for Create Space Standards for a 200 page, 5″ x 8″ book. If your book is larger or smaller, then adjust the margins prior to your manuscript placement.)

The Book Cover Template

Finally we have included a template for the front eBook cover (5″x8″, 300 dpi) as well as the Full Color Cover for print (front, spine, back) (Cover template created for Create Space Standards for a 200 page, 5″ x 8″ book. If your book is larger or smaller, then use CS book cover layout templates and adjust the spine area accordingly.)

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