War Under the Mango Tree, Book 1 The Gisawi Chronicles



“Loaded with plenty of whiskey-tango-foxtrot moments, War Under the Mango Tree is a thoroughly entertaining lampoon of the US military machine via a fictionalized mission in an equally fictional Central African country… Not since Catch 22 has a novel this brilliant come along. Five cheeky stars!” —David Edlund, USA Today bestselling author of “Guarding Savage”




Glenn Voelz, Author

“Loaded with plenty of whiskey-tango-foxtrot moments, War Under the Mango Tree is a thoroughly entertaining lampoon of the US military machine via a fictionalized mission in an equally fictional Central African country… Not since Catch 22 has a novel this brilliant come along. Five cheeky stars!” —David Edlund, USA Today bestselling author of “Guarding Savage”

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At a remote military camp in the Democratic Republic of Gisawi (DRoG) a small detachment of American soldiers and their local allies conduct a high-tech manhunt to neutralize the notorious warlord Daniel Odoki and defeat his Gisawian Liberation Army (GLA). As the mission drags on, the campaign’s mercurial and ambitious leader General William Foster is under pressure from Washington for an exit strategy – with or without getting Odoki. Meanwhile, Gisawian government officials are pushing hard for escalation, aiming to seize control over the unstable region where Odoki’s forces operate. Into the fray comes Don Slyker, a shady but resourceful defense contractor with a scheme for winning the war while launching his next business venture.

As the quixotic campaign unfolds a band of goodhearted pawns find themselves stuck in midst of a confusing shadow war, uncertain who they are fighting, and for what reason. The camp’s intelligence officer, Major “Sid” Sidwell, does his best to accomplish the mission despite misgivings about what they are trying to achieve. Major Lutalo ‘Louie’ Bigombe, a local Gisawian officer and liaison to the American camp is stuck between his sense of duty and loyalty to his uncle, a senior government official of questionable motives. The mission’s Executive Officer, Major John Carson, finds himself indebted to Don Slyker, becoming an unwitting facilitator of his schemes. Meanwhile, Anna Devore, a civilian academic sent to help the Americans understand Odoki gradually uncovers discrepancies in the story leading her to question the entire premise of the war and who stands to gain by waging it.

The obscure mission is suddenly thrust into the headlines back home after a mysterious bombing outside the camp’s front gate. As politicians back in Washington spin the conflict for partisan gain, Don Slyker makes a pitch for his company’s latest killer app, a drone-for-hire capable of targeting Odoki from the sky. Meanwhile, Gisawian government officials are pressing their American allies for sensitive intelligence that will enable them to launch a major offensive aimed at wiping out the GLA once and for all.

As the countdown to the offensive begins, the Gisawian liaison officer Louie Bigombe is being trained to launch the missile intended for Odoki. Behind the scenes, President Namono is angling for his country to host a lucrative new American counter-terrorism base. Meanwhile the civilian advisor Anna Devore races to connect the dots between Odoki, an obscure conflict mineral, and a mysterious off-shore shell company.

As the Gisawians prepare to launch a major offensive aimed at retaking the restive border region, the warlord Daniel Odoki appears to meet his demise in a drone strike. Yet even with victory at hand the truth about Odoki and the true purpose of the war remains elusive.

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In the tradition of writers such as Joseph Heller, Kurt Vonnegut and Evelyn WaughWar Under the Mango Tree exposes the absurdities of modern warfare as it intersects with media culture, technology, politics and big business. The result is a darkly painted satire of war, money and corruption on the far flung reaches of Pax Americana.

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